2001 Grant Recipients

FROM JULY 1, 2000 TO JUNE 30, 2001
Grants for Research in Economics and Finance $655,000
American Council for Capital Formation, Washington, DC
For research and education programs of the Center for Policy Research
Economic Security 2000, Washington, DC
For research and education programs of the National Policy Commission on Wealth Accumulation
(Matching grant)
Hoover Institution on War,
Revolution and Peace,

Stanford, CA
For the Director's Discretionary Fund
(Payable over three years)
Pacific Research Institute, San Francisco, CA
For research, publications, and outreach programs of the Center for School Reform (Payable over two years)
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
For scholarship support and academic programs of the Finance Department at the Leavey School of Business and for the Dean's Discretionary Fund
Stanford University
Graduate School of Business,
Stanford, CA
For the Graduate School of Business Leadership Program (Matching grant payable over three years)
Grants for Conservation of Natural Resources $730,315
Bay Area Ridge Trail, San Francisco, CA
For the Ridge, Kids, and Stewards Program to expose youth to conservation activities on the Bay Area Ridge Trail (Matching grant)
Bird Rescue Center, Santa Rosa, CA
For the care and rehabilitation of wild birds
(Payable over two years)
California Academy of Science, San Francisco, CA
For the Mountain Lake Project to engage students in watershed monitoring activities
California Waterfowl Association, Sacramento, CA
For the Wild About Wetlands School Education Program in Contra Costa, Colusa, and Sutter counties
Community Alliance with Family Farmers, Woodland, CA
For the Farming, Agriculture and Resource Management for Sustainability Leadership Program to teach high school students about science, agriculture, and resource conservation
(Matching grant payable over two years)
Ducks Unlimited, Rancho Cordova, CA
For the conversion of Lower Joice Island's 1,300 acres from a private island to the Dean Witter-Harvey Sorensen Marshlands Project (Matching grant payable over ten years)
Environmental Defense, Oakland, CA
For the Hydropower Project to assess the environmental implications afforded by the potential disposition of hydroelectric assets owned by Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Estuary Action Challenge, Berkeley, CA
For environmental programs for youth in Oakland, Richmond, and San Pablo (Matching grant)
Friends of the Garcia River, Point Arena, CA
For monitoring and restoration projects on the Garcia River (Matching grant)
IDG Films, San Francisco, CA
For the production of the documentary film, The San Joaquin River Oral History Film (Matching grant)
Mercer Island Schools Foundation,
Mercer Island, WA
For the Learning Garden at Mercer Island High School to provide students with hands-on training in environmental science
Natural Heritage Institute, Berkeley, CA
For research to promote water transactions to restore landscapes and aquatic habitats in the San Joaquin Delta
Nature Conservancy, San Francisco, CA
For conservation and restoration projects surrounding Mount Hamilton (Matching grant payable over two years)
Point Reyes Bird Observatory, Stinson Beach, CA
For the K-12 Education Program; the Palomarin Visitors Center; and the Sacramento River Conservation Center
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, Seattle, WA
For the Major Donor Campaign to diversify the agency's funding base (Matching grant payable over two years)
Richardson Bay Audubon Center, Mill Valley, CA
For restoration of the Mountain Trail on Richardson Bay
(Matching grant)
Sempervirens Fund, Los Altos, CA
For the Wildlands Restoration Team; Gazos Creek Monitoring Program; and San Lorenzo River Natural Resources Inventory
(Matching grant payable over two years)
Tahoe Heritage Foundation, South Lake Tahoe, CA
For an environmental education audio program for people with vision impairments to tour the Rainbow Trail at the Taylor Creek Visitor Center
Tule Elk Park Children's Center, San Francisco, CA
For the Garden and Environmental Education Program to expose young children to hands-on conservation activities (Matching grant)
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust,
San Francisco, CA
For environmental monitoring, education, and restoration programs on the Tuolumne River
(Matching grant)
United Anglers of Casa Grande High School, Petaluma, CA
For a flatbed truck to transport fish
Youth For Environmental Service,
San Francisco, CA
For connecting young people to environmental volunteer projects (Matching grant)
Other Grants $61,500
The Bancroft Library, Berkeley, CA
For the oral history project to document the lives of Dean, Helen, and Ann Witter
The Foundation Center, New York, NY
For the San Francisco regional library and reference services for grantseekers and grantmakers